FRESCOS is a tool for calculating the carbon sequestration of forestry and agroforestry projects. The tool is open access and free to use for anyone looking to improve their understanding of the emission removals of their projects. The tool allows for the calculation of annual net carbon impact as well as longer term scenario analysis up to 100 years.
Before use, please see full
Terms of Use here >
The tool has been developed by Simosol Oy (merged to AFRY) with funding from CDC Group, Finnfund, FMO and Swedfund.

About the Project Partners

Simosol Oy / AFRY
Simosol Oy, the co-creator and developer of the methodology and the FRESCOS forest carbon calculation tool, was merged to AFRY on April 2022. AFRY's Smart Forestry solutions cover services and solutions for optimized and climate-smart forest management.